Yahoo!Life Names PurePort a Life-Changing Find That Makes The Best Gift

Thank you to Yahoo!Life who listed PurePort in their recent lineup:

49 Little Yet Life-Changing TikTok Finds From Amazon That Make The Best Gifts (Even Last-Minute!)


To read their article, click here

"It's got six perfectly sized tools to keep your phone clean and connected. This is a great gift for the tech-lover in your life."

We know tech-lovers love PurePort (that's a lot of love!) but it's not just tech-lovers who struggle with a phone (iPhone or Android) or tablet or iPad that is having trouble charging. 

We designed PurePort to be so easy to use that anyone can follow the 1-2-3 directions and go from frustrations with charging - and devices that have run out of power when you need it! -  to the joy of a device charging consistently and well again.

Each of the tools in the PurePort Lightning for Apple products and the PurePort USB-C for everything else was made with microscopes engineering, and rigorous testing.

It's not just a tool, it's the right tool. Why? Because PurePort not only works to fix your charging ports it does so safely.

What a gift!

Find the perfect PurePort Multi-Tool for you!